Memories: Do Not Open Show Development. Image courtesy of Production Club.
Develop Movement Personality
A musician has a backstory that reveals itself in what they create, how they have conversations, their humor, what they listen to. In order to bring dance into a musician's performance when it didn't exist previously, I have to look at all these factors. I have to understand how and why their music is meaningful to them, and how they're comfortable expressing themselves with their bodies. Then, their dancing can feel like a natural extension of who they are.
For Drew's and Alex's Memories: Do Not Open tour, I was hired by Production Club, the creative team that built their show, to create a couple dance segments for Drew and Alex to perform and to come up with and direct the performer blocking for the whole show. I spent months listening almost exclusively to The Chainsmokers' existing and unreleased music to understand what they would communicate through their upcoming concerts. I met Drew and Alex, watched them in interviews, watched how they moved in recordings of their previous shows. And I found movement that felt like them for their dance numbers. And I blocked them and their accompanying musicians to maximize the visual of their unique personalities for the audience.
Client: The Chainsmokers
Producer: Production Club
Project: The Chainsmokers ‘Memories Do Not Open Tour’
Creative Director: Miguel Risueño
Choreographer: Lara Marcin
Producer: Production Club
Project: The Chainsmokers ‘Memories Do Not Open Tour’
Creative Director: Miguel Risueño
Choreographer: Lara Marcin

The Chainsmokers Memories: Do Not Open tour Miami rehearsals.
The Chainsmokers Memories...Do Not Open Tour Documentary
Clip of the dress rehearsals from the tour documentary.
"Don't Let Me Down" Choreography
Performance, rehearsal, and tutorial clips of The Chainsmokers' "Don't Let Me Down" dance break for their Memories: Do Not Open tour.
Create Body Language
Lara Marcin
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